
  1. A screenshot of the blog on the IIED webiste

    Research with refugees: Taking care not to cut a long story short

    Deena Dajani and Patricia Garcia Amado
    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)
  2. Read article

    From refugees to residents: A win-win for cities

    Lucy Earle
    Date published
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  3. Screenshot of article

    Film exploring the lives of urban refugees wins best documentary at Kenyan film festival

    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)
  4. Screenshot of article

    The road from refugee to resident

    Lucy Earle
    Date published
    Material type
  5. Screenshot of blog

    Tricky questions and frank discussions: a participatory forum on protracted displacement in Afghanistan

    Nassim Majidi
    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)
  6. Screenshot of blog

    Researching displacement: how do we know we are asking the right questions?

    Stef Barratt and Nick Ross
    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)
  7. blog screenshot

    City residents and urban refugees: from shared living to shared futures

    Lucy Earle
    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)
  8. A centre for refugees in Talbieh, Jordan. Refugees in South Africa, Jordan and in India were excluded from COVID-19 social protection schemes. (Photo: Omar Chatriwala via Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

    Displacement and the pandemic

    Deena Dajani
    Date published
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  9. Around 3.6 million Syrian refugees have been granted temporary protection in Turkey. In Istanbul alone, there are more than 500,000 Syrians registered as well as tens of thousands of undocumented Syrian refugees (Photo: Rostyslav Savchyn via Unsplash)

    Bringing urban refugees into local planning

    Lucy Earle
    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)
  10. Urban refugees often struggle to afford decent shelter and many in Lebanon claim unfinished or abandoned buildings as their home. While the Syrian families living in this unfinished building do not pay rent, they also lack running water (Photo: copyright Jacob Russell, International Rescue Committee)

    A world without refugee camps? IIED launches research on urban refugees

    Lucy Earle
    Date published
    Material type
    Blog (external)